About Common Sense Classical



I’m Megan Atherton. I’m the program director and founder of Common Sense Classical - a blog designed to help you understand and enjoy classical education. I’m so happy you’re here!

I’m a graduate of Hillsdale College and the student affairs coordinator at a K-12 classical school in Golden, Colorado. I have worked with thousands of prospective families and students who are delighted when they finally discover classical education. I live for the moment when a lightbulb goes off in a parent’s brain and they ask me “Wait why wouldn’t you go to a classical school?” I’ve been asking myself the same thing for years.

I started CSC for you. To help you, to entertain you, and to show you what’s possible for classically educated children. So come with me! Let’s take a closer look together.

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    I work for a school. And, yes, I believe that it’s the best school out there.

    I work with an amazing group of professionals dedicated to providing a rich, engaging education to their students. I’m lucky to be among them. If you’re in Colorado, you can find Golden View Classical Academy here.

    If Golden View isn’t in your area, email me! I’m happy to help find a school near you.